BEST IN SHOW & JUNIOR BEST IN SHOW at IDS Pistoia Arezzo 2018 (Italy)
FANSTASY GIN SHEN TE CHOWS – GIN at IDS Pistoia 2018, Italy won BEST IN SHOW & JUNIOR BEST IN SHOW!!! A huge thank you to breed and group judge Mr Miodrag Vreteničić (MNE), Junior Best In Show judge Mr Peter Machetanz (D) and Best In Show judge Ms Kornelija Butrimova (LT) for making this dream come true !!!!El Nino Guards of King at Shen Te was Best Puppy at each show. On IDS Arezzo Gin was Res. JUNIOR BEST IN SHOW under Ms Vija Klucniece (LT). All of this of course would not be possible without the immense love, care and super hendling of EVA BRELIH Two memorable days for our boys and our kennel!!!